In Hawaii

Aside from the old lady sitting to my left who smelled faintly of dirty diapers, my flight to Honolulu was uneventful. Read the book I purchased on the flight.

The anger (well, not really angry, more disappointed, frustrated, and annoyed) started when I got my luggage. When I pulled my suitcase off the conveyor belt I smelled umeshu. Uh-oh. The bottom of the suitcase was sticky on the outside. Double uh-oh. When I got my rental car, I opened up my suitcase in the trunk. Triple uh-oh. TSA decided that they needed to check my luggage because, you know, a jar of plums in liquid really looks suspicious. They did an awesome job of repackaging everything, too. And when I say awesome, I mean really terrible. Don’t they have better things to do, like, oh, I don’t know, not failing real security tests?! America’s #1 defense in our nation’s airports. Checking for bottles of alcohol.

Temporary suspension of bitterness….

So I ate lunch at Angelo Pietro with Pikko. I got the spicy beef and eggplant spaghetti. Delicious. :o~ Pikko ordered a raw potato salad and wow, I didn’t know raw potatoes could taste so yummy! Too bad there isn’t an Angelo Pietro restaurant in Torrance. I would totally eat there. A lot.

Back to bitterness…

After lunch, we went to my rental car so I can give the leaky jars of plum wine to Pikko to take home. It was then that I found out that the large bottle that was supposed to go to her was completely empty. I opened up the poor repacking job and saw glass shards mixed in with the plums. OK. That made me a bit more angry. I think I would have been cooler if the alcohol was the only thing that was lost. But the plums, too?! That was a lot of plums! The smaller jar that was supposed to go to Pikko’s brother was still intact. At least I manage to get some alcohol to them.


Did laundry already. I had to wash the new bag I bought for this trip. The tag inside said do not wash. Great. I hope it’s not ruined.

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