San d’Orian Tea!

Final Fantasy XI inspired drink called San d’Orian tea. It’s really just black tea, sage, maple sugar (substituted with maple syrup), and half & half creamer. The tea came out tasty and rather delicate.

– fresh sage
– black tea
– half and half creamer
– maple syrup

1) Put sage and tea in tea pot. Add hot water and let seep.
2) 1 tbsp creamer and 1 tbsp maple syrup into each cup
3) Pour tea into cups.

Food Combinations

A few weeks ago I bought ume flavored sake. I thought, I love plums, I love sake. This ought to be good. Yea, well, unfortunately for me, the ume flavored sake doesn’t go very well with foods in my opinion. I’ve tried it with other things before, and they didn’t go very well together. Tonight I tried it with the pork and green onions muffin. The muffin is very good. Tastes like gyoza. But pairing with plum sake was no good. :\ I ended up washing down the muffin with Roots Aroma White Latte drink.

Negi Buta Mafin (Green Onions and Pork Muffin)

Negi Buta Mafin
Green Onion and Pork Muffin


  • 4 English muffins


  • 200g ground pork
  • 6~7 green onions
  • 40g pizza cheese
  • 1+ tbsp soy sauce
  • 1+ tbsp sake
  • 2 tsp sugar
  • 2 tsp corn starch
  • 2 tsp sesame oil
  • 2 tsp oyster sauce

Time 10 minutes.

1.) Cut English muffins into half.
2.) Cut the green onions finely. Add all the group A ingredients into a bowl and mix with your hands.
3.) Partition the meat into 8 and spread each onto 1 muffin half. Wrap and freeze.

When ready to cook:
Additional ingredients

  • Sesame oil

Estimated 180 kcal for 1.
Time 15 minutes.

1.) Remove the wrap from the frozen green onion and pork muffin.
2.) Add sesame oil to the fry pan. Place the muffin meat side down onto the pan and cook on low heat for about 7~8 minutes.
3.) When the meat has a good cooked coloring to it, flip it over. Cook for another 1 minute. Remove from heat and serve.

I haven’t made these yet, but they sounded yummy so I’m making a pre-emptive translation. ^^

New Bento Special!

For this week, I decided that I’m going to make something different for lunch. Instead of tamago yaki, ham, or gyoza, I’m going to make chicken. Originally, I wanted to try out the Marukome miso yaki marinade since I did win free sumo tickets from them, but unfortunately, Mitsuwa didn’t carry any of it. I settled for Kikkoman teriyaki sauce instead. I also decided to go for green beans to make ingen no goma-ae as my cooked veggie. That still leaves my bento box a bit bare, so I’m thinking of adding hoshi shiitake no tsuya-ni. It’s in June 2008 issue of Kyou no Ryouri magazine. I still have some cherry tomatoes from last week and I bought more pickles. I’ll probably slice up the red bell pepper and stick those in there, too. Add rice and some more ripe strawberries and done! Picture on Tuesday.

Cookie Mayhem Weekend, Day 3

So they’re now done. Yeay! I have a bunch of sugar cookies, a bunch of shortbread cookies, and a bunch of gingerbread cookies. The sugar and gingerbread cookies are frosted with icing. I thought it’d taste like those cookies from the Torrance Bakery, but they didn’t. They’re much better. 8D I still think Smerty’s sugar cookie taste much better than the sugar cookie I made, but I think each has their own merits. (I’m very much into the chewy cookie.)

Finished Cookies

For the frosting, I used egg whites, lemon juice, and powdered sugar. Instead of cracking an egg open, I bought a jar of pasteurized egg whites. This way no one at work will blame me for their food poisoning. Heh.

Cookie Mayhem Weekend, Day 2

Baked a ton of sugar cookies. Baked a ton of gingerbread cookies. I’m not 100% sure if the cookies are supposed to taste the way they are right now. Tomorrow I’m going to be making the frosting for it. The type of cookie I made calls for royal frosting. I don’t think I’ll have time to make cupcakes tomorrow. Oh well. Maybe cupcakes will be next weekend.

Sugar Cookies

Dinner was pork and chicken okonomiyaki. We used up all the pickled ginger in the house. The aonori was of questionable age… My mom wanted to put squid in the okonomiyaki, but I said that it’s made the way I like it, not the way she likes it. (Okonomiyaki means “cooked the way you like it”.)

My Food Smiles At Me