WaMu Goes Boom

Well, it finally happened. Washington Mutual went down. The Feds took it over last night, and then sold it to JPMorgan Chase. Whee. Now that I’m a Chase customer, what am I going to do now? I’m going to Disneyland!

I’m not going to Disneyland. I may go next year on my birthday because all birthday people get in for free in 2009. Too bad my birthday falls on a Wednesday.

I’m still waiting for more information from First Entertainment Credit Union. I haven’t gotten anything in the mail. Maybe the mail from FECU that was supposed to go to me had gone to the neighbors. I should go ask them today. Getting a little worried.

The Dark Knight

Finally saw the Dark Knight in IMAX tonight. Dennis wanted to see the 9 PM showing before it was swapped out for Eagle Eye. I think Jon said that this was his 4th time in the theater, and Allen’s 3rd? And here I am happy with one viewing.

It was a good movie. I can see why people would want to see it multiple times. However, I’ll be happy with a Blu-ray or DVD version.