Leaving For Japan Tomorrow

There’s still a bunch of stuff I need to do before I hope onto that plane for Japan tomorrow.

Like pack.

Well, I have to do the laundry, too. I don’t want dirty laundry sitting around for 3 weeks. I also need clean jeans to pack into my suitcase. I still need to install my blogging software onto my Macbook and a list of important passwords so I can pay bills and stuff online if needed.

My flight leaves at 2:40 PM on Singapore Airlines flight 11 from LAX. I come back on Singapore Airlines flight 12 arriving at 12:55 PM. Still paranoid about the “pattern” and your garden variety terrorists….

Also, I didn’t finish the scarf I was knitting to wear in Japan. I ended up ripping it apart to remake because I thought it was too narrow and would end up longer than I like. :\ Maybe I can knit in the airplane… They allow knitting needles now! I checked. :x When I get bored of knitting, I can read. And when I get bored of reading, I can watch something on my iPod. When I get bored of that, I can try sleeping. And when I wake up from my sleep, I can wish for a neck pillow…

3 thoughts on “Leaving For Japan Tomorrow”

  1. Plus there’s like 100 channels on Singapore! You don’t run out of things to do if you can’t sleep. Although I always sleep at least 8 hours on the plane to Japan. I wish they wouldn’t wake me up for food… or hit you in the head w/ the drink cart when your head goes over the edge to the aisle (that’s only on US airlines).

  2. you’re not paranoid about the stalkers who might go to tom bradley terminal to “greet” you and welcome you back holding flowers and balloons?

  3. I’m more paranoid that I’ll fall out of the sky and people wondering was Erika on that plane? At least this way you’ll know 100% if I fell out of the sky or not. Ok, I’m weird…

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