Star Trek Exhibit in San Diego

A group of my friends and I went down to see the Star Trek exhibition in San Diego Air and Space Museum. Walking around the place made my geek meter rise, and I finally wanted to see the original Star Trek episodes, which I never had wanted to before. They even had the Star Trek: The Next Generation Enterprise corridor and walking down it just took my breath away. It was like a dream come true. I was awestruck. I grew up watching ST: TNG, so seeing this corridor was just amazing. Have I described enough times how it was cool? I don’t think I have. It was magnificent. I would go through the thesaurus for more words that could describe it, but I think that might be overkill. It probably is overkill already. >_>;

After the exhibit, we looked at the other parts of the museum, and then wandered around the area. There are a lot of museums there. I wanted to go into the San Diego Museum of Art to see the kimono exhibit, but I guess all the museums there close at 5 PM. Boo!

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