Soybeans to Tofu, Attempt 2

Last week’s attempt at making tofu failed rather miserably. This time, I was better prepared. I purchased more cheese clothes, a pyrex measuring cup, and ever important thermometer. My dad helped again.

One thing I discovered is that as soon as the boiled soybean mush is strained, the soy milk is ready for the nigari. That’s what the little thermometer told me. Last time, I waited around since I didn’t know how hot 70° C is, and I had no clue how much soy milk I had. Scooping a cup out at a time cooled the soy milk too much.

When it came to pressing the soybean curds, I was a bit ill prepared. Since there aren’t any tofu making kits (that I know of), I had to improvise. Two cans of soup isn’t as heavy as I thought. I was hoping for tofu that was a bit more dense, but I ended up with soft tofu.

Pressing Bean Curds

Taste wise was good. My dad and I ate hiyayakko.


Company Wrap/Holiday Party

So this year, the company party is going to be held in Las Vegas instead of a bar somewhere in Los Angeles. It’s refreshing that it’s not at the Highlands or at Gotham Hall, but Vegas? It’s so far away. At least it’s paid for. Bus to Vegas and back, and one night hotel stay. Pretty cool.

My one guest is my sister. She initially turned it down because she thought that it was this month, not next month, but when I said it’s a Thursday, not a Tuesday, she realized her mistake. Yeay! I wanted to stay another day since we were there and there’s another bus leaving on Saturday, but my sister mentioned that it was our dad’s birthday. Oops. :x It’s actually on the Thursday of the party, but weekends are easier to deal with.

I think there’s going to be about 3 hours between the party and when we arrive at Hard Rock Hotel. I wonder if it’s possible to go to the Star Trek bar and get a “warp core breach”… >_>;

Star Trek Exhibit in San Diego

A group of my friends and I went down to see the Star Trek exhibition in San Diego Air and Space Museum. Walking around the place made my geek meter rise, and I finally wanted to see the original Star Trek episodes, which I never had wanted to before. They even had the Star Trek: The Next Generation Enterprise corridor and walking down it just took my breath away. It was like a dream come true. I was awestruck. I grew up watching ST: TNG, so seeing this corridor was just amazing. Have I described enough times how it was cool? I don’t think I have. It was magnificent. I would go through the thesaurus for more words that could describe it, but I think that might be overkill. It probably is overkill already. >_>;

After the exhibit, we looked at the other parts of the museum, and then wandered around the area. There are a lot of museums there. I wanted to go into the San Diego Museum of Art to see the kimono exhibit, but I guess all the museums there close at 5 PM. Boo!